Art Reveals The Emotional Core That Defines Our Humanity.

Artist’s Statement

Welcome to my Gallery site. A few words of introduction that I hope will help inform you about my work as you explore the series presented here.

My portraits are anchored on emotion: the investigation of the highly personal, idiosyncratic, intimate sensibilities and passions of each subject — with the desire to reveal and connect with the complex, multifaceted personality that is unique to each of us.

This is the truth that many artists seek, and it is what drives me as a photographer. To create portraits that present and celebrate the complexity of each subject. Which is also why I love to partner with artists in creating my work.

I’ve always been an admirer of dance, in part because dancers express our emotional states with such extraordinary artistry and physicality. So, when I started photographing dancers, I saw how their purpose and mine were aligned – and I knew I’d never look at my photography the same way again.

This synergy sits at the core of my work. To create portraits in multiple formats and settings; in duets, solo, and larger groups, in repose and dynamic movement – seeking inspiration from themes and emotions that mutually inspire us.

My desire is to reveal the special beauty that I see in each subject. To achieve this, I always begin by getting to know each of them as individuals and artists, not as performers; to understand their own unique artistic journey, what has influenced them, and what motivates and inspires them personally.

My process is highly collaborative and is one that requires a great deal of trust—tapping their passions, and drawing out their vulnerabilities, their hopes, their desires, their dreams.

And ultimately, by extension, those same hopes and dreams within us all.

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Current Exhibition

Current Exhibition

Exhibition Gallery
Movement in Color

Movement in B&W

Expressions in Paint
Intimate Duets
Nude Portraiture